Weight Watchers And Antidepressants

Weight Watchers And Antidepressants

Any other members on here taking antidepressants?

I'm on a low dose of Zoloft. I'm nervous it will prevent me from losing weight. Has anyone had success losing weight on Zoloft or another anti-depressant?

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level 1

I'm on antidepressants and still losing my 1-2 lbs a week. I thought it would be a problem, but it's been fine.

level 2

Do you mind sharing which one? If not, I completely understand :)

level 1

While it isn't depression, a good friend of mine is on lots of medication for Lupus which make it hard to lose weight--but even with her medication, she's been able to steadily lose weight (although not at first) with sticking with the program. She's down 85 lbs. It can be done it just takes more time.

level 1

Yes... I was on Zoloft for years and it did not prevent me from losing weight

level 1

From 2010-2012 I was on a crazy high dose of Cymbalta (anti-depressant), Xanax and Valium and I still lost over 75 lbs in those years.

Not sure if Cymbalta reacts differently than Zoloft, but I had no issues.

level 2

Cymbalta is actually more known for appetite loss and weight loss. Zoloft is more known for weight gain, unfortunately. I just hope if I'm making changes, it will counteract the medication. I don't see how I couldn't lose weight by making healthy changes.

level 1

I've been on celexa for about 17 years. It doesn't prevent me from losing (or gaining unfortunately) weight.

level 2

Has it made it difficult to lose weight?

level 1

I'm on 60 mg prozac and have lost 36 pounds since November 2017. I've lost slowly due to my marginal adherence to the plan, not my meds. 😉 Treating my depression helps me take better care of myself in general which includes WW for me.

level 1

I take Citalopram and have done well with WW. For me the tracking helped.

level 1

I'm on a low dose Zoloft and I've lost twenty pounds so far. Hasn't seemed to be an issue...

level 1

I'm on Prozac and Wellbutrin and have lost 48lbs in 7 weeks! My starting weight was very high though (436lbs).

level 1

I'm on a normal dose of Zoloft and haven't had trouble

Weight Watchers And Antidepressants

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/weightwatchers/comments/aby1qo/any_other_members_on_here_taking_antidepressants/

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